Contract : Rehabilitation / Improvement to Bandarawela - Haliela Road (A016)
Employer : Road Development Authority
Awards :National Award for Construction Performance in 2009
Duration : September 2006 to July 2009
Rambukkana - Katupitiya Road
Contract : Reconstruction of Bridge No.2/3 on Rambukkana - Katupitiya Road
Contract No.RDA/MMC/BD/71
Employer : Road Development Authority
Duration : March 2011 to September 2012
Bibile inginiyagala road
This road project was awarded to Tudawe Brothers (Pvt) Ltd on 'Design & Build' basis with Local Bank funding. With two carriageways and shoulders, the width of the Road is 6.8 meters. Total length of the Road is 60.3 km and it covered 09 bridges and 110 culverts. It was successfully completed at Rs. 4,200 million in November 2015